In my case, I also check the price to see whether I can, without feeling too guilty, ask students to purchase the book. 对于我的情况,我还会查看书籍的价格,以看看我是不是能够不带太多犯罪感地让我的学生购买这本书。
It will benefit the traveler who often is unable to book lower fares that require an advance purchase or who must book flights that have only higher classes of service available. ' 新政策将有利于那些经常因没有提前预定而买不到优惠机票或者必须购买仅有更高等级舱位航班的旅客。
This article expounds the application and characteristics of portable samplers of bar code in the automatic management of the book purchase, and points out the problems of the sampler in the book purchase. 文章论述了便携式条码数据采集器特点及其在图书采购工作中的应用,进而提出采集器在现购中存在的问题。
Click on the book titles and purchase the book from Amazon. com, and MIT OCW will receive up to10% of all purchases you make. 点击书籍名称,进入亚马逊网站买书,麻省理工开放式课程网站将收到你支付的全部金额10%。
It/ he shall not purchase publications from a non-publication publishing or distributing entity; It/ he shall not participate in the trading of book numbers, serial numbers or publisher's codes in any form; 不得从非出版物出版、发行单位进货;不得以任何形式参与买卖书号、刊号、版号;
Preparations for returning to school include not only the purchase of fall fashions at reduced prices, but the stocking up on lunch boxes, book bags, pencils, pens, and notebooks as well. 为返校做准备不仅包括在减价时购买秋装,而且还包括购买饭盒、包、笔、笔以及笔记本等。
He even sold the watch given by his father in order to purchase this book. 为了买到这本书,他甚至把父亲送他的手卖了。
The Symmetry and Balance of Information& The University Purchase in the Library-Matching Book Markets: Difficulties and Solutions 信息的对称与平衡&高校图书馆在馆配市场中采购难点与解决方法探析
Customer requirements, purchase cost, convenience and communication are critical problems China press industry must solve while developing and cultivating rural book markets. 顾客需求、购买成本、便利与沟通是中国出版产业挖掘和培养农村图书市场必须研究的四个关键性问题。
Practice and Reflection on Public Bidding for Book Purchase& An experience from book purchase public bidding of the library of Zhejiang Tongji College of Science and Technology 图书采购招标的实践与思考&浙江同济科技职业学院图书采购招标体验
This paper compares and analyses two realization means of off-site book purchase, that is, the off-site purchase programs of the library integrated system and the data collector, and advances prospects for the future development in the off-site book purchase technology. 论文比较分析了两种图书外采技术的实现方式:图书馆集成管理系统自带的外采程序和数据采集器,并对图书外采技术今后的发展作了一些展望。
This paper presents the fuzzy decision on book purchase by the library by means of fuzzy mathematics, which may realize the automation of book purchase by the library. 本文给出,利用模糊数学的方法,对图书馆图书采购工作进行模糊决策,从而实现图书馆图书采购工作的自动化。
In book exports, and foreign publishing houses or open channels of purchase foreign publishers, copyright trade is the most important book industry going out. 在成书出口、国外开设出版社或购买国外出版社等途径之外,版权贸易,是中国书业走出去的最主要方式。
To realize standardized management of book purchase, must taking effective measures in many aspects, such as making book resource developing plan, organize books purchase bidding, standardizing the operation procedure of book purchase, paying attention to the quality of books, etc.. 要实现对图书采购工作的规范管理,应该在制定馆藏图书建设规划、组织图书采购招标、规范图书采购操作程序、重视图书采购质量等方面采取切实有效的措施。
During the process of book and periodical purchase, recycle the used publications from the faculties, staffs and students is a good way to promote library collection, and the readers/ experts participating in on-spot book purchase is an effective way to improve the collection quality. 在购入途径中,除传统订购、邮购、采编选购、复制外,还可采取回收教职工和学生书籍扩充藏书量,通过专家和读者参与式的现场采购提高藏书质量;
Discussion of purchase of book in new time 新时期图书采访工作浅议
This paper analyzes the existing problems when libraries purchase the book materials, clarifies the importance of purchasing the book materials by inviting public bidding, and introduces the operation sequence of it. 分析图书馆采购图书资料的现状与存在问题,阐明图书资料实行招标采购的重要意义,结合图书资料招标采购的特点介绍了图书资料招标采购的操作程序及应注意的问题。
Taking government purchasing acts on the purchase of books and magazines in universities can improve the efficiency of a same purchasing expense greatly, increase the amount of the total books bought, and obviously improve the book quality and service quality. 把政府采购行为实施于高校图书馆的图书期刊采购,使同样数量的购书费在利用效率上有了明显提高,图书质量、服务质量也有了明显的提高。